    As one of the first companies in Germany we specialized on Full-Internet-Service in the watchmaker branch.
    A lot of time and work we spend to find out how selling and individual service.
    With steady innovation meanwhile we achieved a high quality stanard.

    Fa. CLASSIC Schmuck, Uhren & Accessoires
    P.O. Box 2179 - D-69748 Wiesental/Germany


    The germanclocks management in service on army headquarters...


Use all advantages of www.germanclocks.de:

    alpha saphir Full and unrestricted Guarantee.
    Guarantee also of Delivery and fixed Prices.
    All actual models on stock.
    Surprise service: If you wish we deliver everthing wrapped in present paper - without supply!


And further:

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    Individual order transaction
    Special wishes welcome
    High reliability
    Short time of delivery